Wellness & Events

You can support a culture of connection through the experiences your organization offers. 

You can intentionally create a widespread impact: mind, body and soul.

In recent years, we have all witnessed the rise of technology and live events as a tool for connection. Today’s consumers are savvy, value-conscious, and looking for authenticity. Beyond products and services, they want meaningful experiences. Experiences get at the heart of what’s most meaningful: the lived moment, connection, and an engaging experiential concept. The true value of connection is found in the meaningful moments—the experiences that stay with you.

Individuals and employers alike are experiencing the impact of the wellness programs and practices, or lack thereof, that we have put into place. Carving out time for connection and growth, whether at home or at work, has become essential.

With a vision to create a culture of connection through events and wellness, Event Vines is creating spaces—both on and offline—to bring meaningful experiences to life.

Our purpose is to enhance and create wellness programs and special events through our services and community resources.



Featured Vendors

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Offers and Events

Discover experiences, offers and events.

  • Happy Hour at Summer House on Music Lane

  • Magdalena Picnic at the Pool

  • Float Friday Film Series at Austin Motel

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What People are saying about Event Vines

Finding the perfect venue or vendor takes time. Event Vines makes it easy. Event Vines provides business profiles, photos and reviews. Let Event Vines do the work for you.

Damon Holditch, CSEP, CERP,

Owner, Marquee Event Group

I needed to find a very specific type of DJ for a large-scale event, and not only did Event Vines know of the perfect one, they handled the entire booking process and made it so easy on me. Can’t wait to work with them again!

Camille Styles

Blogger & Author of Entertaining

Austin has become quite the destination city for weddings and corporate events. Because of this, more and more event vendor finder sites have popped up to help those in need of finding all the right pieces for their event. Most of these sites are based in other states and they claim to know a lot about our city. Event Vines is the only event helper site that is local. Callie Ogden is an Austinite and I feel her expertise as a local entrepreneur and realtor will be the way to go for people shopping for the right venues and vendors for their events.

Brandon Badillo

Brazos Hall & FBR Management

Event Vines has connected me with other artists, venues, and entrepreneurs, who excel in their areas of expertise. After joining EV last year, I’ve seen a significant increase in growth and revenue, and continue to gain new clients. Callie Ogden has a deep understanding of Austin culture, and really knows who to connect for harmonious interactions and positive experiences. From private and corporate to yoga and fitness events, Event Vines has expanded my network, and helped me grow as a DJ alongside other professionals in my field.

Jason Dragna d.b.a. Alfa Leone

Creative Director | Founder, Alfa Leone

Event Vines is the real deal! I never have to question a booking inquiry from them because Callie and her team are professional, organized, detail oriented & fun to work with.

My membership with them gets me private & corporate events that are tailor-made to my musical stylings. Looking forward to more opportunities with Event Vines!

Kalu James

Musician | Kalu James and The Electric Joint

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