Austin is an active community with a thriving event culture and nightlife. This is what we love so much and what inspired the website! Austin and surrounding areas are experiencing a surge in population, which is paralleled by the increased popularity of the city as an event destination. Austin’s annual festivals,sporting events, fundraisers, weddings and private and corporate events all drive out-of-towners our way, which often inspires them to move here.

“Between 2010 and 2013, the population of Austin grew 12.0 percent—a surge that outstrips the growth of cities anywhere else in the country..Over the course of the 2000s, the city’s population increased a staggering 37 percent; as of 2013, according to the Austin Chamber of Commerce, 7.5 percent of the city’s residents lived somewhere else just one year earlier. The population stands to reach 1 million by 2025.” Kriston Capps, City Lab. (Follow him on Twitter)

As the masses pour into Austin, they are hosting events, and hitting a wall when comparing venues and vendors. Even local event planners need a way to simplify the process of requesting quotes from multiple sources. Before moving forward with the Event Vines website development, we conducted surveys among Austin’s event planners – working toward identifying their biggest pains in the planning process. We started to notice a theme – whether they picked vendors and venues from a spreadsheet, or from memory of past experiences, none of them were able to narrow down their options according to their event needs. Event Vines addresses this pain for event planners and hosts – for free!

Event Vines is a one-stop shop for all of your event venue and vendor needs.Event hosts and planners benefit by being connected directly to vendors and venues that fulfill their event needs—at just the click of a button, you can contact businesses directly through email or by submitting an inquiry.This way, we can narrow down options, request quotes, compare results and get on with the party!

Venues and vendors benefit through increased exposure, better communication and customer clarity with expectations of inclusions and exclusions in regard to pricing. This is the perfect place to showcase past events through photos and videos-build a profile that you’re proud to share!

Our Purpose is to promote connection and growth in Austin. What better way to serve this purpose than through the event industry? Together – we can create events that leave guests feeling a sense of community and bliss. This plants the seed for a better world.

Connect- Grow- Flourish